
Linksfield Foot and Ankle Fellowship
A six month to one year Foot and Ankle Fellowship is available with Prof Nick Saragas at the Netcare Linksfield Hospital in collaboration with the Orthopaedic Department of the University of the Witwatersrand.The Fellowship programme begins either on 1 January or 1 July and is open to qualified orthopaedic surgeons duly registered with the HPCSA. Candidates both nationally and internationally will be considered. For further details please contact
Professor Nick Saragas at
SAFSA Literary/Research Award
This will be award to the author of the best foot and ankle article published in a peer review journal. The recipient of this award will be funded for flights and registration to a European foot and ankle meeting.
Qualifying Criteria:
SAFSA member for at least one year
Research must be in the field of foot and ankle
Research article published in a peer reviewed journal. (No case studies)
Research published from July the preceding year to June the current year will be eligible for entry
The winner will be announced at the annual combined orthopaedic meeting.
Please forward all qualifying articles to info@safsa.co.za.co.za